Business Overview & Outlook
Business Overview & Outlook
2011 Outlook
The outlook for Taiwan's capital market this year is promising.
As the link between the domestic market and global capital
markets strengthens, KGI Securities will face significantly
increased challenges and competition. The Company will
maintain its core focus on the IPO business and seek out
quality, high-profitability cases based on thorough evaluation of
income, cost and risk. With regard to the SPO business, KGI
Securities will continue to develop core clients and focus on
either large-scale cases that will boost market share, or small-
scale to medium-scale cases that will generate high profit
margins. In addition, buoyed by the successful underwriting
projects of Digital China and Elpida, KGI will promote
TDR issuance among overseas enterprises and red chips.
Post-ECFA, mutual-shareholding, joint venture and M&A
opportunities between Taiwanese and Chinese companies
have increased significantly. It is increasingly common for well-
known companies to be listed on more than one capital market
in Greater China in accordance with business development
needs and attributes. KGI Securities will leverage the
advantages of its regional platform to meet the demand growth
and diversification and expansion strategies of its clients by
extending its services beyond Taiwan to Hong Kong and China
as well as other international markets. KGI is also making
strides toward collaborating with Chinese brokerages and
acting as a bridge between Taiwan and global capital markets.
KGI Securities' ultimate aim is to help enterprises grow and
to become their main financial partner in the capital market.
Its extensive, wide-ranging knowledge of the investment
banking business is well recognized by clients and investors,
with expertise spanning advisory and counseling of IPO listing
in the domestic and overseas markets, fund raising in the
capital market, company valuation, merger and acquisition,
and compliance. Going forward, KGI will continue to cultivate
its investment banking business with a commitment to
customizing services and fundraising advisory for individual
clients. Always keeping abreast of industry trends and the
needs of clients, KGI Securities is pursuing a long-term
strategy in the investment banking industry by designing
optimal fund raising tools and M&A strategies. At the same
time, the Company is acquiring expertise in other areas of
the financial sector in an effort to provide clients with an even
broader variety of services and investment solutions.
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