2013 CPC CPC Corporation, Taiwan - page 27

Since both petroleum and natural gas are easily combustible, CPC has always placed extreme emphasis on
industrial safety, health and fire prevention in order to ensure trouble-free production operations and ensure the
safety of the lives and property of both employees and residents in communities around plants and wells. In
addition to operating in accordance with domestic laws and regulations, CPC has also established safety and
fire rules - with reference to regulations in advanced countries such as Europe, America, and Japan - which
conform to both conditions in the Taiwan area and the characteristics of the company’s own business.
Industrial safety lies at the basis of CPC’s operations. To achieve the goal of "100% industrial safety and
zero accidents," CPC embraces a policy of "safety discipline and thorough inspection, health promotion and
responsible care, risk management in system operations, and continuous improvement and sustainable
operations" in constant upgrading of safety culture. Our industrial safety performance is recognized not only
at home but internationally as well, as manifested by receiving a plaque from the World Safety Organization in
The key points of CPC’s industrial safety and occupational health operations at the present time are as follows:
Implementation of the Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Management System (TOSHMS), and
continuous improvement of the operating environment.
Strengthening the safety management of contractors and establishment of contractor autonomy so as to
reduce contractors' occupational hazards.
Scheduled review of industrial safety and health regulations and continuous review and amendment of
standard operating procedures.
Strengthening industrial safety management, holding scheduled employee health examinations, analysis and
follow-up of physical examination information, promotion of health improvement and emphasis on the mental
health of employees.
Implementation of risk management and equipment integrity operations, establishment of equipment safety
management processes, thorough implementation of the oil tank and pipeline inspection function and
establishment of a long-distance oil and gas pipeline monitoring and leak detection system.
Strengthening fire-fighting management, organization of a
professional fire-fighting team and guidance for the various units
involved in carrying out fire-pump function testing. Five fire/safety
technical manuals have been published.
Implementation of graded on-site safety inspections and
continuous improvement of the safety record through compliance
at the functional, management and executive levels.
Strengthening industrial safety inspections, including
"management by walking around" by ranking officials; professional
industrial safety inspections; and pre-startup inspections of new
and renovated factories. All deficiencies that are discovered are to
be followed up through the information system and resolved.
Planning and implementation of safety/environment training and
education for different applications; establishment and provision
of online study courses and an industrial safety test-question
databank; and compilation and publication of accident case
Reinforcement of the functions of the Safety Information Center,
lending of materials for reading and provision of an Internet data
inquiry service system.
Industrial Safety & Health
Industrial Safety & Health
CPC Occupational Accidents over the Past Five Years
Disabling accidents ratio
Disabling accidents severity
Overall occupational accident index
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
1...,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26 28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,...60
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