2013 CPC CPC Corporation, Taiwan - page 37

CPC holds equity in numerous other companies, both at home and overseas. The most
representative of these are introduced below:
CPC-Shell Lubricant Co. Ltd. (CSLC)
Established in 1963, the CPC-Shell Lubricant Co. is located at CPC’s Kaohsiung Refinery
and produces mainly base oils and lubricants. CPC holds 49% of the company’s equity.
China American Petrochemical Co. Ltd. (CAPCO)
Established in 1976, China American Petrochemical Co. is the major supplier of purified
terephthalic acid (PTA) to the polyester industry in Taiwan. Its plants are located in
Taichung and the Linyuan Petrochemical Complex in Kaohsiung. CPC owns 38.57% of
the company’s equity, including preferred stock.
Dai Hai Petrol Corp. (DHP)
Established in 1994, the Dai Hai Petrol Corp. is headquartered in Haiphong, Vietnam
and owns docks, receiving equipment, and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) storage and
distribution facilities with a capacity of 1,050 tons. It also operates an LPG filling station in
Ha Tay. The company engages primarily in the storage, transport, and supply of LPG and
other petroleum products in northern Vietnam. CPC owns 35% of its equity.
Qatar Fuel Additives Company Ltd. (QAFAC)
Established in 1996, QAFAC operates a plant in the Mesaieed Industrial Zone. Its major
products include methanol and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE). CPC holds 20% of the
company's equity.
Faraway Maritimes Shipping Co. (FMSC)
Established in 1997, FMSC built the LNG carrier Golar Mazo to transport LNG purchased
from Badak VI in Indonesia to Taiwan. CPC owns 40% of the company's equity.
Chun Pin Enterprise Co., Ltd. (CPEC)
Established in 1998, the Chun Pin Enterprise Co. operates a logistics center at the Port
of Taipei to engage in the storage and transshipment of petroleum and petrochemical
products. CPC owns 49% of its equity.
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