Page 29 - 中央存保108年年報
P. 29

D. Attended meetings of the various task forces set up by the Bankers Association under its Working Group for Basel Accord III—including the Credit Risk Task Force No. 1, Credit Risk Task Force No. 2, Market Risk Task Force, Operational Risk Task Force, and Leverage Ratio Task Force—in order to facilitate the drafting of related rules.
E. Participated in guidance meetings convened by the competent authority for the credit departments of farmers' and fishermen's associations, and coordinated closely with the competent authority to strengthen guidance for those credit departments.
III. Resolution of Problem Insured Institutions
The CDIC as a conservator or receiver has continued to manage some undisposed retained assets of failed financial institutions resolved by the Financial Restructuring Fund (FRF) since the termination of the FRF at the end of 2011. The retained assets include real estate, stocks, creditor's claims, and artwork.
1. Actively handled retained assets and unresolved issues as a conservator of two failed insured institutions
A. Chinfon Commercial Bank:
a. Retained artwork: 12 paintings and one bronze statue.
b. Retained real estate: four pieces of retained real estate are the subject of litigation and cannot be sold.
B. China United Trust and Investment Corporation (CUTIC):
a. The CUTIC held a 15.116% equity stake in the Taipei Financial Center Corporation (Taipei 101). In order to strengthen shareholding management, the CDIC recommended two representatives for appointment to the board of supervisors at Taipei 101 to oversee the company's business and financial matters. In the future, the CDIC will act in a timely manner to have the stocks put up for sale by public tender in accordance with the company's condition and the competent authority's instructions.
b. In 2019, CUTIC received cash dividends of NT$281,733,839 and compensation of NT$1,647,758 paid to its supervisors.
2. Continued handling retained assets and unresolved issues as a receiver of four failed insured institutions
The CDIC continued working on resolution of the following four banks: the Chung Shing Commercial Bank (CSB), the Enterprise Bank of Hualien (EBH), the Taitung Business Bank (TBB), and the Chinese Bank.
Business Operations
2019 Annual Report

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