Page 27 - 中央存保108年年報
P. 27

b. In response to approvals for the establishment of internet-only banks, the CDIC drew up plans for off-site monitoring of liquidity-related reports to facilitate submission of reports by internet-only banks from the first day after they commence business operations. The purpose is to control insured risks.
2. Strengthened assessment and analysis of financial institutions' businesses related to special risks and completed related analytical reports to control insured risks
To be in line with the FSC's supervisory policies, the CDIC prepared reports on domestic banks' risk exposures overseas and in mainland China, as well as risks arising from banks' handling of OTC derivatives. The purpose of such reports was to strengthen the monitoring and control of specific-risk businesses. The reports were submitted to the FSC to assist with the latter's supervisory work and to strengthen the CDIC's risk control measures.
3. Implemented the account officer system and risk-based off-site monitoring
A. CDIC account officers continued to collect and analyze the financial and operational data of insured institutions through various channels, including NFEWS alerts, financial examination reports, directives issued by the competent authority, mechanisms for sharing financial supervisory information, the Material Event Reporting ("MER") system, CPA-certified financial reports, and various channels for public information disclosure. The CDIC also continued to monitor insured institutions' changing operational risks, and prepared business management reports issued at varying frequencies depending on the risk levels of different insured institutions.
B. Special inspections were conducted on the financial reports of insured institutions that had highly concentrated credit risks or were in poor financial condition, and the CDIC continued requesting insured institutions to provide monthly or quarterly financial and business information. Account officers conducted special off-site audits, and tracked risk adjustments or improvements in financial performance. Where deficiencies were found, the CDIC either asked the insured institutions to make improvements or reported their cases to the competent authority for compliance monitoring.
4. Actively participated in information sharing and coordination mechanisms with domestic financial supervisory agencies
A. The CDIC Chairman regularly attended meetings of the FSC's Financial Supervisory Coordination Council, where participants extensively discussed and put forward suggestions regarding the overall risks assumed by insured institutions.
B. Acting pursuant to the "Operating Guidelines of the Financial Supervisory Commission for Off-site Monitoring," the CDIC prepared an analytical report on the financial and business conditions of insured institutions, and shared risk monitoring information, in order to achieve more effective off-site monitoring.
C. Participated in the Task Force on Financial Supervisory Information Reporting Window for Banks and Bills Finance Companies, and handled amendments and updates to the single-window reporting system, in order to improve related supervisory information.
Business Operations
2019 Annual Report

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