Page 25 - 中央存保108年年報
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8. Active promotion of public awareness of the deposit insurance system
Acting via insured institutions as well as various other channels—television, the Internet, radio, posters and brochures, newspapers, magazines, public transportation, and outdoor public welfare events—the CDIC continued to inform the public that the maximum coverage limit is NT$3 million and that domestic and foreign currency deposits and interest on deposits are included within the scope of coverage. The aim was to enhance depositors' awareness of their rights, and their knowledge of the deposit insurance system.
II. Risk Management
To control insured risks, the CDIC, acting pursuant to Article 22 of the Deposit Insurance Act: (a) uses the FSC Single Window for Reporting of Financial Supervisory Information and the National Financial Early-Warning System (NFEWS) to obtain the financial and business information of insured institutions; (b) implements the Account Officer System and strengthens the mechanism for sharing and the coordination of handling of supervisory information with other financial supervisory authorities; (c) continues working to enhance its risk control capabilities; and (d) actively plays the role of a risk minimizer. These measures are designed to ensure that deposit insurance can safeguard the interests of depositors and maintain financial stability.
Since 2013, in order to exercise better risk control, the CDIC has standardized and clarified the types of information, alerts, and exceptional regulation items to be targeted in off-site monitoring. It has also established different monitoring frequencies depending on each insured institution's risk level to allow for more standardized and clarified differential off-site monitoring mechanisms, and has made dynamic adjustments based on each financial institution's changing risks. Principal measures taken in 2019 include the following:
1. Operated the National Financial Early-Warning System (NFEWS) to implement off-site monitoring
A. Produced monthly or quarterly routine management reports and shared information with the competent authorities
The CDIC's National Financial Early-warning System includes various sub-systems, including Call Report Data Rating System, Business Analysis Quarterly Report System, Internet Monitoring System, and Account Officer System, which were regularly used to produce related management reports and share information with the related competent authorities.
B. Continued working to improve the quality of reported information and the operation of the Call Report Data Rating System, in order to adapt to a changing economic and financial environment while adapting to changing financial supervisory methods
a. To encourage insured institutions to properly emphasize the importance of information security management, the CDIC factored additional information security items into the scoring formula of the "Declaration Form for Risk-Adjusted Management Ability of Insured Institutions," and included them among the items to be considered when performing on-site inspections to check the accuracy of risk indicators for risk-based premium rates.
Business Operations
2019 Annual Report

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