Page 26 - 海洋科技博物館 前沿專輯成果專刊
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• Frank schwierz, Graphene transistors, Nature Nanotechnology 5, 487–496 (2010)
• Hsisheng Teng et al. "Synthesis of graphene oxide dots for excitation-wavelength independent photoluminescence at high quantum yields" Journal of Materials Chemistry C, vol. 3, no. 17, pp. 4553- 4562, May 2015.
• Shean-Jen Chen et al."Graphene oxide dot-based microstructures via dispersion and support of bovine serum albumin" Optical Materials Express , vol. 6, no. 10, pp. 3193-3201, October 2016.
• Hsisheng Teng et al. "Architecting nitrogen functionalities on graphene oxide photocatalysts for boosting hydrogen production in water decomposition process" Advanced Energy Materials , vol. 6, no. 22, 1600719, November 2016.
• T.-F. Yeh, W. L. Huang, C. J. Chung, I.T. Chiang, L.C. Chen, H. Y. Chang, W. C. Su, C. Cheng, S.-J. Chen, H. Teng, "Elucidating quantum confinement in graphene oxide dots based on excitation-wavelength- independent photoluminescence," Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters , vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 2087-2092, June 2016
• T.-F. Yeh, S.-J. Chen, H. Teng, "Synergistic effect of oxygen and nitrogen functionalities for graphene- based quantum dots used in photocatalytic H2 production from water decomposition," Nano Energy , vol. 12, no. , pp. 476-485, March 2015.
• C.-Y. Lin, K.-M. Hsu, H.-C. Huang, T.-F. Yeh, H.-Y. Chang, C.-H. Lien, H. Teng, and S.-J. Chen*, "Multiphoton fabrication of freeform polymer microstructures containing graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide nanosheets," Optical Materials Express , vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 218-226, February 2015.
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• Yin, X. et al. "Edge nonlinear optics on a MoS2 atomic monolayer" Science 344, 488-490, 2014.
• Kuang-I Lin et al. "Atom-Dependent Edge-Enhanced Second-Harmonic Generation on MoS2 Monolayers" Nano Letters 18, 793-797, 2018.
• 黃柏庭 , 邱建誌 , 劉淑白 , 洪常瑋 , 林光儀* , 陳昶孝 , "Exciton and edge states enhanced SHG from MoS2/WSe2 monolayer heterostructures with pumping wavelength > 1000 nm," 中華民國物理年會海報 論文 P1-SN-050 (2017).
104 - 106 年度前沿科技創新教育資源研發暨應用推廣計畫成果專輯

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