Page 3 - 2019交通部觀光局年報
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     觀光業務年報                                           visitors 4,660,000 人次 Number of Taiwan Tourist Shuttle tour bus passengers 台灣好行服務路線擴增至45條,全年累計466萬 載客人次。 The number of Taiwan Tourist Shuttle tour bus routes was increased to 45, and there was approximately 4.66 million passengers in 2018. visitors 58,600,000人次 台灣好行載客人次 台灣觀光新年曆整理遊客人次 Participants in Taiwan Tourism New Year Calendar events 58,600,000 visitors 舉辦國際級活動共47項,全國級活動48項,整體 遊客人次達5,860萬 。 Held 47 international events and 48 national events, attracting 58.6 million visitors.  11,066,707 人次 visitors The number of inbound visitors to Taiwan reached a record high. 10,068,000 人次 visitors Number of visitors at the 2018 Taiwan Lantern Festival 台灣燈會總參觀人次超過1千萬,活動期間吸引各國旅客及媒體到訪。 The 2018 Taiwan Lantern Festival attracted over 10 million visitors and reporters.   來台旅客人次創歷史新高  台灣燈會參觀人次      21,000 筆 records 台灣觀光資訊資料庫 Taiwan Tourism Information Database  提供Open Data超過2萬1千筆GIS 基礎資料。 The open database contains more than 21,000 tourism-related geographic information system (GIS) records. 60,000筆 services 旅行臺灣APP Developed the "Tour Taiwan" APP 提供逾六萬筆適地性定位服務。 Provided more than 60,000 adaptive location-based services. 112 i-center 全台分級建置i-center體 系,計有112個據點。 Established i-center system to provide various services. There are 112 i-center service locations throughout Taiwan.  個 locations  3 小 灣 鎮 漫 台 遊 Annual Report On Tourism Taiwan, Republic of China 

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