Page 39 - 中央存保108年年報
P. 39

 本公司於108年8月12日舉辦與奈及利亞存款保險公司簽署MOU典禮,金管會銀行局局長邱淑貞(第1排左3)、董事長 林銘寬(第1排左5)、總經理蘇財源(第1排右3)、央行金檢處副處長蘇導民(第1排右4)、奈及利亞存款保險公司董事長 Mrs. Ronke Sokefun (第1排左4)及執行長Mr. Umaru Ahmed Ibrahim (第1排左2)合影
The CDIC signed an MOU with the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) on 12 August 2019. Shown here are FSC Banking Bureau Director General Jean Chiu (1st row, 3rd from left), CDIC Chairman Michael M.K. Lin (1st row, 5th from left), CDIC President William Su (1st row, 3rd from right), Central Bank Department of Financial Inspection Deputy Director General Tao-min Su (1st row, 4th from right), NDIC Chairman Mrs. Ronke Sokefun (1st row, 4th from left), and NDIC CEO Mr. Umaru Ahmed Ibrahim (1st row, 2nd from left).
2. Actively took part in international conferences and activities, received overseas invitations to attend conferences and seminars, and shared Taiwan's experience with peer institutions
 The CDIC dispatched personnel in 2019 to attend numerous IADI events, including meetings of the EXCO, the CPRC, and the APRC, and was invited to attend numerous IADI conferences and seminars, including the 17th IADI APRC Annual Meeting and International Conference. Whereas, the CDIC dispatched senior officials to deliver the opening remarks, in the capacity of Chairperson of the APRC, at the APRC Technical Assistance Workshop, to act as a moderator at Session 1, and to speak at Session 2. Also, the CDIC dispatched senior representatives to take part in the 1st IADI-APRC Study Visit program, hosted by Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation, and to deliver a speech there; to attend celebrations marking the 30th Anniversary of the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation; and to attend the 11th DICJ Round Table in Tokyo and act as a speaker.
3. Sought to sign memorandums of understanding (MOUs) for cooperation with peer deposit insurers around the world in order to establish formal cross-border cooperation arrangements
To enhance cooperative exchanges with other deposit insurers around the world, the CDIC continued to sign MOUs and Letters of Exchange (LOEs) with international peer organizations. In 2019, the CDIC entered into new MOUs with the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Kenya Deposit Insurance Corporation. As of year-end 2019, the CDIC had signed MOUs or LOEs with 24 international financial safety net members.
Business Operations
2019 Annual Report

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