18 ੀ༪ѿҳ྆దϛġ ഺਮΜΪ໊ԑਮኊ੫ѐ ljĺĵĹĮijıljĹ ਮ Ѭ ே ࡤ ద ༪ Taoyuan County Yangmei Junior High School, situated at the southern foot of Guishan Hill, has a total area of around sixty-five thousand square meters. Its predecessor, Yangmei High School, was established in October 1949 and had both junior high section and senior high section. The first princi- pal was Mr. Zhang Fangjie. In 1968, it was renamed "Yangmei Junior High school" because the senior high section relocated to a new campus and became an indepen- dent senior high school. Principals who have served the school from 1968 include: 2012 till now Mr. Chiang Shujung 2005—2012 Mr. Zhuang Luchong 2001—2005 Mr. Luo Xinyan 1996—2001 Mr. Zhang Yonglin 1991—1996 Mr. Yu Huisheng 1986—1991 Mr. Zheng Shixiu 1973—1986 Mr. Huang Kunying 1968—1973 Mr. Guoguang Due to the collaborative efforts of staff, parents and stu- dents, Yangmei Junior High school is advancing full steam ahead. Besides optimizing the student's potential through a caring, supportive and stimulating learning environment, the school is dedicated to the balanced development of moral, intellectual, physical, social, and aesthetic education. Our Aim is to nurture dynamic and well-rounded individuals with high integrity and robust characters. It is hoped that the graduates are able to exemplify enterprising spirit and become invaluable members Of our society. 校史 ) मЎ ހ ᙁў *! Brief History of the School 0 ҅ 0
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