
附錄二 查證聲明書 'WϱϬϬϴ /ƐƐƵĞ ϱ SGS TAIWAN LTD.’S REPORT ON SUSTAINABILITY ACTIVITIES IN THE LAND BANK OF TAIWAN CO., LTD.’s CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT FOR 2016 NATURE AND SCOPE OF THE ASSURANCE/VERIFICATION SGS Taiwan Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as SGS) was commissioned by Land Bank of Taiwan Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Land Bank) to conduct an independent assurance of the Corporate Social Responsibility Report for 2016 (hereinafter referred to as CSR Report). The scope of the assurance, based on the SGS Sustainability Report Assurance methodology, included the sampled text, and data in accompanying tables, contained in this report. The information in the Land Bank’s CSR Report of 2016 and its presentation are the responsibility of the management of Land Bank. SGS has not been involved in the preparation of any of the material included in Land Bank’s CSR Report of 2016. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the text, data, graphs and statements within the scope of verification with the intention to inform all Land Bank’s stakeholders. The SGS protocols are based upon internationally recognized guidance, including the Principles contained within the Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards) 101: Foundation 2016 for accuracy and reliability and the guidance on levels of assurance contained within the AA1000 series of standards and guidance for Assurance Providers. This report has been assured using our protocols for: x AA1000 Assurance Standard (2008) Type 1 evaluation of the report content and supporting management systems against the AA1000 Accountability Principles (2008); and x evaluation of the report against the Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Reporting Standards (2016) The assurance comprised a combination of pre-assurance research, interviews with relevant employees, superintendents, and the senior management in Taiwan; documentation and record review and validation with external bodies and/or stakeholders where relevant. Financial data drawn directly from independently audited financial accounts has not been checked back to source as part of this assurance process. STATEMENT OF INDEPENDENCE AND COMPETENCE The SGS Group of companies is the world leader in inspection, testing and verification, operating in more than 140 countries and providing services including management systems and service certification; quality, environmental, social and ethical auditing and training; environmental, social and sustainability report assurance. SGS affirm our independence from Land Bank, being free from bias and conflicts of interest with the organisation, its subsidiaries and stakeholders. The assurance team was assembled based on their knowledge, experience and qualifications for this assignment, and comprised auditors registered with ISO 26000, ISO 20121, ISO 50001, SA8000, EICC, QMS, EMS, SMS, GPMS, CFP, WFP, GHG Verification and GHG Validation Lead Auditors and experience on the SRA Assurance service provisions. ASSURANCE STATEMENT 90 ◆ 臺灣土地銀行 ▕ 2016 ▕ 企業社會責任報告書