Page 6 - 2019交通部觀光局年報
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Award to "Mountain and Forest Activities," an international promotional video by the Tourism Bureau. "East of Taiwan," a short film introducing travel in eastern Taiwan, took home the Best Asian Film award from the 2018 International Tourism Film Festival (ART&TUR) in Portugal, as well as the "Best East Asian Film" at the First Japan World's Tourism Film Festival and the "Platinum Remi Award for Travel and Tourism" at the Houston International Film Festival. The award-winning videos have helped fuel Taiwan's rise as a much-loved destination for Asian travelers. 為突顯台灣越在地越國際的地方特色風 貌,政府訂定 2019 年為小鎮漫遊年,交通 部觀光局從全台 368 個鄉鎮中遴選出 40 個 小鎮。為發揮小鎮旅遊宣傳效益,並邀集客 家委員會、經濟部、農業委員會、中華電信 公司、中華郵政公司及臺灣鐵路管理局等, 跨部會及單位共同行銷,發行台灣小鎮靚點 漫遊護照、小鎮明信片、小鎮好康訊息推播, 並推出適合國內外旅客的小鎮漫遊趣的優質 行程,另號召青年發揮創意,舉 十萬青年獎 百萬創意遊程競賽,以激盪出小鎮新旅行。 展望 2020 年,將以「脊梁山脈年」強 力宣傳台灣獨有山岳生態奇景,並開創山脈 旅遊新型態,打開台灣觀光產業新視界,讓 更多國際友人看見台灣原生生態之美。 本刊除彙編民國 107 年度觀光施政可量 化的精彩數值,也呈現了部分無法量化的故 事及景緻,邀請各界一同來細細品味,並敬 請不吝指教。 The government designated 2019 as Taiwan Small Town Ramble Year to bring Taiwan's local style to the global stage. The Tourism Bureau brought together the Council for Hakka Affairs, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Council of Agriculture, Chunghwa Telecom, Chunghwa Post, and Taiwan Railway Administration for a joint marketing campaign to promote 40 of Taiwan's 368 townships. During the campaign, participating units issued a Taiwan Small Town Ramble Passport, Small Town Postcards, Small Town Good News Messages, and rolled out highquality slow travel tours to small towns suitable for both domestic and foreign travelers. The "100,000 Youth Award One Million" Creative Tour Competition was also arranged to tap the creativity of young people for the development of new types of small town travel. 6